Case Studies

Food & Beverage

Edible Oil

Optimisation of the Versis® pressure leaf filter system increased production capacity by 50% and reduced energy consumption

Amafilter® filtration
solutions increased
rapeseed oil
production capacity
by 50%.

Amafilter® filtration
solutions removed
3-5% contaminants and
delivered a yearly
capacity of 15 million tonnes of
edible oils.

Amafilter® filtration solutions produced renewable fuel and animal feed, driving sustainability and reducing waste.

Amafilter® helps Villapana Spa increase production capacity by 150% with the RBDC horizontal pressure leaf filter system

Maximising the efficiencies of the Versis® vertical pressure leaf filter system with a dedicated remote access PLC control system

Amafilter® supply seven Versis® vertical pressure leaf filter system for Yelo’s new rapeseed oil plant

Filtration Group significantly improve the filtration of edible organic oil at Terres du Sud

Cocoa Butter

Amafilter® improve throughput and reduce maintenance interventions by up to 45% with the Cricketfilter® System

The Cricketfilter® helps Niche Cocoa decrease downtime while improving product quality


Amafilter® reduced production downtime and increased safety with the Cricketfilter®

Sugar & Sweetners

Amafilter® improve liquid sugar process efficiencies, reducing maintenance
and improving profitability

Amafilter® improve efficiency and lower production costs with the Versis® pressure filter system

Amafilter® decreased materials cost while maintaining a high quality product

Cheese Brine

The Cricketfilter® automated system significantly improved salt bath filtration efficiency leading to a more profitable operation

Chemicals, Mining & Minerals

Amafilter® improved filtrate quality and reduced maintenance interventions and costs with the Cricketfilter®

The amafilter® team joins forces with Asbeter to develop a new affordable and sustainable filtration solution in their process to destroy asbestos

Increasing the production life of sulphuric acid production units from 16 to 24 months

Amafilter® improve the filtration quality and reduce maintenance costs with the Cricketfilter® System

Improving filtration and extraction of fluid impurities using VERSIS Vertical Pressure Leaf Filters

Renewable Fuel

Supporting sustainability by converting fat from food into renewable fuel with the Cricketfilter®

Upcycling used cooking oil into Biodiesel with the Cricketfilter® filtration system

Amafilter® and Jonell Systems helped to improve Renewable Diesel production